
A list of my work.

* Equal contribution


  1. In-context Example Selection with Influences
    Nguyen Tai, and Eric Wong
    In submission, 2023
  2. Explanation-based Finetuning Makes Models More Robust to Spurious Cues
    Josh Ludan, Yixuan Meng*, Tai Nguyen*, Saurabh Shah*, Qing Lyu, Marianna Apidianaki, and Chris Callison-Burch
    Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL 2023
  3. Software Entity Recognition with Noise-robust Learning
    Tai Nguyen, Yifeng Di, Joohan Lee, Muhao Chen, and Tianyi Zhang
    IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE 2023


  1. Home Sharing in New York City: Impact on Hotel, Rental, and Welfare
    Tai Nguyen
    Undergraduate Thesis, Department of Economics, Haverford College May 2019